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Spot Light

There are a bunch of different sizes and types of fixtures to choose from LED Story. Using the right lights you can convert a dark and spooky landscape into a safe and secure area that will also catch your eyes.
One of the popular fixtures used in landscape lighting is the up light, also named as an accent light or spot light.
As is known that up lights can be utilized in a variety of scenarios to show features in a landscape, you will often find them illuminating trees or other plants in a garden. In order to get the best results when up lighting a tree, there are a few things to take into account when you formulate your plan.

The first thing is the viewing angle, this will help you determine how many fixtures you will need to use.
Then, try to collect the size and shape of the tree.
Is it a small newly planted tree?
Is it tall and narrow like a Palm?
Or is it a big old Oak that’s as wide as it is tall?
This information will help you choose the position where the fixtures will install and the wattage they need to use.
Another consideration is the density of the canopy.
A dense canopy may only allow little light through and show the plant.
If it’s open enough for you to direct lights up through the boughs you can illuminate it from the inside out creating more depth and drama.

Finally, consider future growth. A lot of people will consider adding additional lights down the road? If so you’ll probably go to purchase a transformer that can ensure the increasing load as new fixtures are added in the future.
Once you’ve collected all of your data you can then determine the fixtures, lamps, and accessories to use.

If you want the lights or need a professional consult, you can find them on the web or just call us directly.